StraxAR: Moving Augmented Reality From Novelty To Marketing Necessity

Each day, at any given moment, marketers are looking for new ways to break through the clutter and connect with consumers. Naturally, the content, the products and the services — anything and everything — with high demand tends to be noticed first via the traditional advertising platforms. So, you must be unique to build engagement and enrich your customers’ commitment with the type of experiences they won’t find anywhere else. And you should do it in a way that is a) seamless; b) exclusive; c) informative; d) specific to the brand or the event; e) forethinking; and f) all with some personal connection to the end user.

Alan Mariotti - Microsoft | Steve Balmer | Pinnacle Award

By definition, the AR in the name is a technology enhanced by computer-generated perceptual information that lets people superimpose digital content (images, video, sounds, text) over real-life scenes. It first came into prominence in 2016 when the mobile app Pokémon Go made it possible to interact with the Pokémon characters superimposed via a smartphone screen. Today, StraxAR has adapted the technology for marketing purposes, where engaging experiences using its updated app offers a digitally enhanced promotional opportunity tailored to a specific performer, a product, or any viable brand or platform (including original programming content, both on linear and digital, which in today’s multi-fractured landscape faces the challenge of finding eyeballs).